Monday, April 2, 2012

We are preparing for our second crusade event now in Pattoki. I apologize for you who are not able to view the isn't always reliable here. I also am leaving you a link for David Burk's blog where he will post some of our happenings as well. It is
We will travel this evening with police escorts in front & in back. For some reason security is beefed up for this crusade. So, if you would "beef up" your praying as well. It is strangely odd that we all have a peace about everything & everywhere we go, even when it looks a little dangerous. I know that is from prayers, so thank you. Just thought I would share with you a photo of the pastor of the last church we were in on Palm Sunday. Beautiful are the feet of them who preach good news!


David L. Kemp said...

Hey Sherman, AMAZING videos and testimony! Praying for you, David, the others with you, and for the multitudes that attend...Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy so much reading about the wonderful blessings which are coming to you all. Especially all the ones who are hearing the love of Jesus maybe for the first time. Stay safe and know you are in our thoughts and prayers...much love sent